Ming Xiao Mfg is a China manufacturer specialize in sheet metal Stamping services more than 20 years,have been customed many kinds of sheet metal stamping parts, puched parts,deep drawn parts for different industries.We providing relavent processes such as punching,bending,cutting,shearing,riveting,spinning,welding,deep drawing,etc.
We are also have 6 sets different sizes progressive die stamping machines, can produce small metal stampings with high speed and low prices. suitable to high volume metal stamping components.
Metal Stamping Parts Available Materials: Aluminum,copper/ brass,stainless steel, carbon steel, Mild steel,cold roll steel, Kovar steel,etc.
CRS (cold rolling steel) sheet, HRS (hot rolling steel) sheet,hot-galvanize steel sheet (SGCC,SPCC,).
stainless steel: 201,304,316...
Aluminum alloy: 1060,2024, 3003,5052,6061,etc
All standard brass and copper
Finishs: Anodize,painting,powder coating,blackening,electroplatings of chrome/zinc/nickel /tin/silver...
Ocelové plechy s pozinkovaným povlakem jsou výrobky získané zinkováním plechů válcovaných za tepla nebo za studena, jejichž povrch je zjasněn a zesílen proti korozi. Nabízí se v různých třídách, jako jsou DX51, DX52, DX53, DX54, DX56, S220GD, S280GD, S320GD, S350GD, HX260LAD, HX300LAD, HX340LAD.
Oblasti použití a výhody:
Široké využití v odvětvích, jako je automobilový průmysl, bílá technika, strojírenská výroba, stavebnictví, průmyslová skladová řešení, chladicí topné systémy, dopravní systémy.
Povlak zinku zvyšuje odolnost proti korozi a zvyšuje životnost výrobku.
Množství povlaku se liší podle poptávky a místa použití.
Ocelový plech s pozinkovaným povlakem, který je potažen zinkem metodou ponoření nebo elektrolytického povlakování za účelem zvýšení odolnosti ocelového plechu proti korozi, je obvykle potažen celkem 100-300 gr/m2 na obou površích.
Typ výrobku:Dělení, řezání na délku, svitek, páska, plech
Šířka role:1000 mm - 1200 mm - 1250 mm - 1500 mm
Kvalita:DX51 - DX52 - DX53 - DX54 -DX56 S220GD - S280GD - S320GD - S350GD HX260LAD-HX300LAD-HX340LAD
Tloušťka:0,25 mm-4,00 mm
Mit ihrem geringen Platzbedarf lässt sich die computergesteuerte Kompaktanlage leicht in den Produktionsfluss integrieren. Dies spart Zwischenlagerung & Transporte und die damit verbundene Zeit & Kosten.
Die komfortable Bedienerausstattung auf neustem Niveau läßt keine Wünsche offen: Touchscreen-Bedienung, USB/SSD Festplatte, Netzwerkanbindung (Support via Internet), Rezepturenspeicher, Benutzerverwaltung, Protokollierung/ Dokumentation/ Rückverfolgbarkeit & Barcodescanner/ID Key (optional).
Alternativ ist die E30 auch in Wechselkorbausführung erhältlich und damit kompatibel zu unserer Waschanlage W30, und ist optimal geeignet für eine lineare Folgebearbeitungslinie →Produktion →Entgraten →Waschen →Tempern, da die Chargen-Wechselkörbe zu den jeweiligen Maschinen kompatibel eingesetzt werden können.
Für Industrie 4.0 Anforderungen: Standardgemäß ist ein Monitoring der Prozessdaten über Netzwerk auch von einem externen Arbeitsplatz oder optional via OPC-UA Server möglich.
Detartrant naturel
Elimine le tartre et la rouille
La force du citron
Fabrication française
Naturellement present dans le citron, l’acide citrique fait partie des produits menagers de base qui ont fait leur preuve.
100% naturel*.
Nettoyant et detartrant hors pair.
S’utilise dans toute la maison : machine à cafe, bouilloire, machine à laver, robinetteries, cuvettes des WC, plans de travail, surfaces en inox, chrome, ceramique, plastique…
Formidable antioxydant, l’acide citrique elimine la rouille sur le metal.
Ideal egalement pour venir à bout des taches de brûle, de cafe, de the ou autres salissures tenaces.
* Ingredients actifs 100% d’origine naturelle.
Faire un essai prealable sur une petite surface. Ne convient pas aux surfaces aluminium et marbre, et ne pas melanger avec du chlore et de la soude. Ne pas eclabousser sur un tissu ou un vêtement (decoloration possible).
Kwas cytrynowy występuje naturalnie w owocach cytrusowych, ale może być również wytwarzany. Przemysłowy kwas cytrynowy jest wytwarzany głównie w drodze fermentacji lub reakcji chemicznej. Ta ostatnia metoda stosowana jest w około 90% światowej produkcji i polega na fermentacji przy użyciu enzymów i szczepów drobnoustrojów, najczęściej Aspergillus niger.
Kwas cytrynowy ma zdolność stabilizowania emulsji i zapobiega oddzielaniu się tłuszczu. Produkt końcowy dostępny jest w postaci proszku lub granulatu jako bezwodny kwas cytrynowy.
Given that Ferric alum is powder that does not burn when it is exposed to fire, it is commonly used in firefighting foams. When applied at the base of fire, it forms a blanket that prevents the combusting materials from accessing oxygen that is required for them to keep burning. Some water treatment firms use the salt for treatment of water. During the treatment of water, the electrons in the water hydrolyze fast forming combinations with various metal elements in water. They form slats that sediment at the base of the container and can be filtered away. Unlike many water purification agents, Ferric alum can work at very low temperature. This makes it ideal for water treatment during fall and winter seasons. The same compound works well in disinfecting and treatment of sewerage systems. It combines with organic matter and deals with the resulting odor.
Aluminium oxide Al2O3 %:min 16.0
Iron Fe content%:max 0.5
Water insoluble matter 1%:max 0.15
AS %:max 0.0005
Grain size:15 mm max
In addition to the product range of classic cold rolling mills, we can also offer our customers electrolytically galvanized strip. The zinc coating offers excellent corrosion protection:
In cooperation with our customers, we have developed a product that solves the problem of zinc abrasion in the processing of galvanized strips - ZPL (Zinc Plus Paint). An organic coating system is applied immediately after electrolytic galvanizing. This results in a colourless, uniform, highly lubricious layer with a dry film thickness of 0.50 - 3.00 µm, which can of course also be supplied in any desired colour.
ZPL offers the following advantages:
Further improvement of corrosion protection
Excellent sliding properties, preventing zinc abrasion in the tool
Reduced tool wear
Longer tool life
Oil-free processing is made possible
Coating and printable layer with "Anti Finger Print" properties
Tantalum alloy powders offered by SAM are characterized by their high melting point, excellent corrosion resistance, and outstanding thermal and electrical conductivity. These features make them ideal for various high-performance industries, including aerospace, electronics, and chemical processing.
Unico Zinc Bor is a mixture of trace elements chelated with organic acids. Since it is organically chelated, it is quickly absorbed by the plant and acts quickly. This is %100 water Soluble. It is applied to plants during the flowering period. It is very effective on the number of flowers and bloom. It is used to eliminate Boron and Zinc deficiency in plants.
Strahlmittel Nickelschlacke 0,8-3,0 mm zum Strahlen von Metalloberflächen vor dem Lackieren.
Verpackung:Big Bag für 1 Tonne
Herstellungsstandard:ISO 11126-3
At TRADIUM, neodymium is available in the following forms for industrial use:
- Neodymium metal
- Neodymium oxide
Your point of contact for neodymium is:
Jan Giese
Phone: +49 (0)69 50 50 250 - 237
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Pour l’agglomération du minerai de fer, ces castines sont constituées de calcaire à plus de 97% de carbonate de calcium.
Elles servent également de composant dans les engrais.
Contactez-nous pour des informations complémentaires
Le nitrate de calcium se présente sous la forme d'un solide granuleux blanc à gris clair. Peut être soit le composé anhydre soit le tétrahydrate. Utilisé dans les engrais, les explosifs et la pyrotechnie. Le nitrate de calcium est un sel de nitrate inorganique de calcium.
El PCC se diferencia del GCC (Carbonato cálcico natural) por poder:
-Disponer de partículas de menor tamaño y más uniformes.
-Presentar distribuciones granulométricas más estrechas y estables.
-Ejercer menor abrasión
-Presentar superficies específicas superiores.
-Asegurar purezas químicas más elevadas.
Le PCC se différencie du GCC (Carbonates de Calcium Naturels) en ce qu’il permet de :
-Disposer de particules plus petites et plus uniformes.
-Présenter des distributions granulométriques plus étroites et plus stables.
-Exercer moins d’abrasion.
-Présenter des surfaces spécifiques supérieures.
-Assurer des puretés chimiques plus élevées.
The PCC can be distinguished from the GCC (Ground Calcium Carbonates) for:
-The possibility to achieve smaller and more uniform particle sizes
-More stable and narrower granulometric distribution
-Lower abrasivity
-Higher specific surface
-Highest chemical purity.
Wir bieten Biotin für Ihren pharmazeutischen Bedarf in CEP Qualität mit kompletter Dokumentation an.
Sprechen Sie uns gerne an für alle weiteren Informationen!
Aluminum hydroxide, white solid, is a typical amphoteric hydroxide that is insoluble in water but soluble in acid or alkali. It can be transformed into alumina after heated in the air for dehydration, which is important for alumina production. Aluminum hydroxide is a widely used chemical product, and it is mainly used as plastic and polymer fillers, blanket flame retardant and binder, epoxy resin filler, toothpaste fillers, glass ingredients as well as paper color fillers and coatings. It can be also used to product sulfuric acid Aluminum, alum, aluminum fluoride and sodium aluminate, and to synthesize molecular sieve. The gel and drying gel of aluminum hydroxide can be used in medicine as antacids to neutralize gastric acid and protect ulcer surface for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcer disease and hyperacidity
Taş değirmende öğütülerek üretilmiş, ince yapıdaki sofra tuzunun 2 kg’lık halidir. Ekstra iyot ilavesi yapılarak iyot oranı artırılmıştır. %100 doğal kaynak suyu tuzundan, rafine edilmeden sera tipi havuzlarda üretilmiştir. Rafine edilmediği için içerisinde nem önleyici ve beyazlatıcı gibi kimyasal maddeler içermez. Lityum, vanadyum, demir, magnezyum ve kalsiyum gibi insan sağlığına faydalı 84 farklı mineral bulundurur. Erimeyen madde oranı 0’dır.
USP24/BP98/E330 Citric Acid Powder, Citric Acid Anhydrous, Citric Acid Monohydrate
Citric Acid is mainly used as a flavoring agent, preservative, and antistaling agent in the food and beverage industry. Citric Acid also can be used as an antioxidant, plasticizer, detergent in chemical, cosmetics, and detergent industries. As a food additive, Citric Acid Anhydrous is an essential food ingredient in our food supply. As a leading food additives and food ingredients supplier in Turkey, we can provide you with high-quality Citric Acid Anhydrous.
In GZ ci impegniamo ogni giorno per offrire un servizio di zincatura elettrolitica di alta qualità, soddisfando le diverse esigenze dei nostri clienti.
Dalla scelta consapevole delle migliori materie prime, alla particolare attenzione per l’ambiente, analizziamo accuratamente ogni aspetto della lavorazione per garantire sempre i risultati migliori. Tutto ciò, unito alla nostra lunga esperienza nel settore e alla dedizione che quotidianamente infondiamo nell’attività, fa di GZ una delle realtà più importanti e conosciute tra le provincie di Bologna, Ravenna, Forlì, Modena e Ferrara.
Tutte le nostre lavorazioni ruotano attorno al delicato processo di zincatura, di cui ci occupiamo da più di 50 anni con l’impegno e la voglia di migliorare ogni giorno. Dalla scelta fra 3 diverse passivazioni, alle lavorazioni affini alla zincatura, fino al controllo qualità: in GZ ogni fase è curata nei minimi dettagli.